Friday, March 8, 2013

How to Realize the Essence? - 1

     When we were studying at that time the teacher wrote and explained "A, B, C, D…." and we accepted it as it being so and remembered it, and thus become learned in due time. Now we do not quite know how the "A" became an "A". Two lines were drawn vertically at an angle and one line was drawn through them and it was called "A" by the teacher, and we accepted it to be so, that yes Sir, this is an "A". Now we have no other way out, besides accepting it to be so.

      Whatever the teacher said, we followed suit, and we continued to learn and one day became very scholarly. In the same way, if we follow whatever is said by the Saints and great souls that we have faith in, then we will have the same realizations. In this there is no doubt. In the knowledge of alphabets, there is great and small; but in the knowledge of the Essence (Divinity), there is no great and small. So far all those that have become great men, like Sanakaadik, Naradji, Vyasji, etc., who have attained enlightenment. That very same state where there is no knowledge greater than that, there is no joy greater than that, there is no progress greater than that, there is no greater thing than that, that Enlightenment can be attained by an ordinary man. 

      It can be attained by all men. It is only for the attainment of that Essence (tattva) that this human birth has been bestowed. Eating, drinking, sleeping is also done by dogs and donkeys. They too have children, and families. Now if human beings only do that much, then what is the significance of having a human birth? This all is brute, inhumanity. The form and appearance is that of a human being, but it is not human. Human kind is that for which God out of His grace has given this human body -

Kabahunk kari karunaa nar dehi

Det is binu hetu sanehi ||  (Manas 7/44/3) 

     Such an outstanding opportunity was presented to you.  You have instead used it in sense enjoyments and hoarding.   What work are you indulging in?   In the middle, what trading and business are you trifling in?   Where were you to rise and where have you got stuck?   These sense enjoyments will also depart right here,  the body will also be left right here,  money will also be left behind here.   

     What have you gained from those things that are going to depart?   The genuine union is that which never leaves, which always remains with you.   Therefore gentlemen!   Take that thing which remains always with you,  One that is never displaced, one that never goes here and there.   Even if the body is cut into many pieces, then too, no one can take that thing away from you.

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